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The lack of transparency by the Nigerian ruling elites questions all the facts of regarding the democracy we thought we were getting after the military left power. We are just a few meters shy of where we were coming from initially. We are still bedeviled by the self-same corrupt practices that we criticized the military government for and to think that this present crop of political elites think that their actions are going unnoticed is even more insulting to the entire population generally.
This present administration came into power claiming to want to eradicate corruption but so far nothing and I mean absolutely nothing has been done regarding the same corrupt practices. First and foremost a president who does not practice absolute transparency has no business on the seat of power. Politicians without a doubt attain their power by courting the love of the people but to sustain that love is a different thing entirely. There is no doubt that the lack of adequate public documentation of the various earnings of those in power leaves so much questions on the lips of the masses and this is so because the leaders careless about the development of the people.
There is no doubt that there are certain privileges that should come with the seat of power  but this privileges should not be so luxurious as to reduce the capacity of the masses to rise up from their respective states to a better state. There is a real need for those at the helms of power to make concrete and positive decisions free of hypocritical agendas and back stabbing policies. Nigeria has tried to rebrand itself into a developed nation but the problem is that there is a problem with fixing the exterior (aesthetics) to the detriment of the interior (real growth and development of the people). Countries that got their independence after us have moved to a better status among the international community and an example of that is South Africa.
The slogan ‘Change begins with me’ is an example of the shallow and selfish approach put forward by the ruling class as a way of forward thinking. The slogan above represents an individualistic approach to development which makes collective growth absolutely impossible because as we all know, one bad apple can destroy the others. Therefore, ‘change should begin with us’ not me because we cannot be our brother’s keeper by being so myopic. When change is uniform growth and development can be equally shared, which leads me to a parable of the bunch of brooms. A single stick of broom can only do so much but with the help of others like itself, it can sweep a house clean. Therefore we need to go back to the slogan on our national coat of arms which says ‘unity and faith, peace and progress’
Source – Papioni Recuds


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