Day 66: Obeying The Cards

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Big Brother’s Card Task has brought out some funny moments from the Housemates.

When it comes to Big Brother and his tasks no one can ever anticipate what he has up his sleeves and the Yes task is no different.

The Housemates seem to enjoy the random sounds of the buzzer going off even though the moments of the task are short lived from their side.

Chat To Me, Couch

Alex’s hilarious moment with the couch was the highlight of the day. She sat straight up with poise ready to engage the couch and only wished it could talk back.

She did though have an interesting chat even though the couch only listened. She told it of how unfair they treat it and how the don’t appreciate its presence in the House.

Additionally, she made it aware that the Housemates were disturbed but unfortunately for her the couch only borrowed her its ears.

Socks or Gloves?

Anto had it easy when her task card required her to wear socks on her hands. Unfortunately the brief from the card wasn’t specific as to how long she should have her elbow-high socks for.

Soon after she got bored wearing the socks she took them off and the Housemates went out to the garden to enjoy the sun.

Hilarious Shout

Adding to the funny moments of the task, Tobi’s card required him shout whenever he’s speaking. As painful as it was on the ear, it was one of the funniest moments the task has produced.

After, it was games, dancing and make up for the guys in the Big Brother Garden and the Housemates took it to themselves to kill boredom.

Source : Africa Magic


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