Instagram is DOWN: App and website stop working worldwide sparking a hilarious…
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Instagram is DOWN:
App and website stop working worldwide sparking a hilarious Twitter meltdown
- Global users report app and site are crashing when they try to open them
- Cause is unknown but iPhone users appear to be unaffected by the issue
- App also went down last month with reports from Europe, the US and Japan
Instagram is down for disgruntled users across the world who say they have been unable to load the app and site.
The problem largely appears to be in Europe and parts of Asia, with some isolated incidents across the US.
Many users have taken to Twitter to vent their frustration, with some complaining the problem has persisted for several hours.
It is the second time the app has crashed in a month. The cause is still unknown, although server issues are most likely responsible for the outage.
According to the website DownDetector, which has received thousands of reports about the issue, 39 per cent of problems are related to the news feed and 35 per cent relate to problems logging in.
Twenty five per cent of disgruntled users are having problems with the website.
Reports started coming in at 9.13pm EDT (2.13am BST) with the most reports received around three hours later.
Some users have resorted to deleting the app and reinstalling it, which worked for a short time but then the app crashed again.
Others posted on Twitter saying that resetting the cache sorts out the problem.
‘Solved @instagram issue. Settings. Apps. Instagram. Clear cache and data and then force stop’, wrote Glenn Gilbertti.
‘Instagram, I missed you! If your Instagram isn’t working (android users), clear the Instagram data and cache under your app settings’, wrote Elise D.
‘When Instagram is down and you have to choose between Facebook and Twitter’, wrote user Ian Herrington with a GIF of a child choosing between biscuits
Instagram has pushed-out an update to the Google Play Store this morning and some people are saying on Twitter and Reddit that updating fixed their problems.
‘I just got an update for my Instagram and it seems to be working perfectly fine now after the update’, wrote Twitter user Jennifer.
‘Hopefully it lasts? For anyone possibly still having issues try updating your Instagram or uninstalling it and reinstalling it again.’

‘Instagram on android has sent an update – update your app. Instagram will be functional!’ wrote another Twitter user Rahul Sudeep.
While reports are widespread, the issues do not seem to affect all users of the Facebook-owned platform.
‘Dammit Instagram, I use you for flirting purposes! You are not supposed to go down for hours like this! *Shakes fist at interwebz*’, joked user And the Crash on Twitter.

One Twitter user, Pilu JP sahoo, compared the crashing of Instagram to the ending of Avengers: Infinity War and posted an image of the logo disintegrating.
‘Instagram: I don’t feel so good right now….’ he wrote.
‘Instagram is down, just describe your lunch to me’, Twitter user Bakuratv joked as part of a meme mocking people who post pictures of food on the site.
‘Instagram is still down. I could try being more productive’, Tweeted a user called ‘You know we could all be reading a book right now’.

‘When Instagram is down and you have to choose between Facebook and Twitter’, wrote user Ian Herrington with a GIF of a child choosing between biscuits.
‘I’m from India and here in my area everyone’s Instagram has stopped working’, wrote user Ekta on the Down Detector website.
‘Cannot open the app’, wrote another user Camilia Smith.
Last month Instagram also went down for users across the globe.
Areas hit hardest included eastern parts of the UK, United States, mainland Europe and south-eastern regions of Australia.
The outage caused a hilarious meltdown on Twitter, with one user joking the error gave them a ‘heart attack’.