Personal assistant, 22, is savaged in her sleep by an urban FOX that crept onto her bed in London as she slept…
Personal assistant, 22, is savaged in her sleep by an urban FOX that crept onto her bed in London as she slept with her patio doors open.

A woman has told of her terror as she woke up bleeding in her bed to find she had been attacked by a fox as she slept.
Horrified Jodie Nailard, 22, woke with a start when she felt a sharp pain in her bicep at 5.30am on Sunday.
Startled, the woman jumped, sending the four-legged assailant flying onto the floor of her ground floor flat in Clapham, South West London.
Jodie had suffered six puncture wounds from the bite to her arm after the fox sneaked in through the patio doors to her bedroom which Jodie and boyfriend Harry King had left open.
Jodie told The Sun: ‘My left bicep was throbbing with pain and covered in blood and I wondered what the hell had happened.
‘Then I saw a fox at the end of my bed and I just screamed and burst into tears.
‘As I sat up I accidentally kicked it and it jumped off the bed and ran out of the door.’
But the fox did not take off immediately.
Harry was forced to throw pillows at the animal to keep it away before rushing his girlfriend to hospital.
PA Miss Nailard was frightened she had contracted rabies and was kept in hospitals for two days where she was vaccinated against rabies, tetanus and polio.

Jodie added: ‘I’m just grateful it didn’t go for my face.
‘I’m not sure whether it came in specifically to attack me or it bit me because I moved my arm and startled it.’
Fox attacks are rare in the UK but they do happen.
Anthony Schofield, 49, suffered a fractured wrist and two inch-wide bite wounds when he and his girlfriend Tammy Chapple, 36, were attacked in the own home.
The animal managed to sneak into their home in Catford, south east London in July 2013.

Mr Schofield said he first spotted it in the bathroom, then tired to chase it out of the house but he then escaped to the living room.
It then started to attack his 14-year-old rescue cat.
He said at the time: ‘She tried to escape by clambering up the curtain but the fox was clawing at her and bit through her jaw.
‘I hate to think what would have happened if she had been a baby.’
Mr Schofield, who is a carpenter, tried to pull the fox away from his pet but it clamped its jaws around his wrist instead.
When it finally let go, the animal attacked trainee teacher Miss Chapple as she tried to pull the cat to safety.
Mr Schofield ended up dragging it to the garden where it made its escape.
In July last year grandmother Avril Clark, 71, woke up during the middle of the night and found herself covered in blood when she was bitten by a fox.
The animal crept into her room after entering her house in Richmond through a catflap.
She felt something bite her finger and switched on the light to see it staring at her. Blood was pouring from the two large gashes in her right arm and she had to receive treatment and get a tetanus jab at hospital.
She told Mailonline: ‘I was in bed and I felt something bite my finger. I thought it must have been my cat and got out of bed and walked into the bathroom.
‘Then it came for my arm and I realised it was not my cat and that it was a fully-grown fox which must have got in through my catflap.
‘It was scary. You don’t expect to be attacked in your own bedroom by a fox during the middle of the night.’