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The Mayoress of Ikosi Isheri Local Council Development Area, Princess Samiat Abolanle Bada hereby expresses deep concern over the recurring incidents of flooding in our community, particularly related to the indiscriminate dumping of refuse and the erection of structures on waterways. These actions have dire consequences, posing threats to lives, property, and the environment of Waste
The Mayoress of Ikosi Isheri LCDA denounces the irresponsible and reckless acts of indiscriminate waste disposal by some residents within our community. In recent times, the improper disposal of refuse in unauthorized areas, including water bodies, drainage channels, and open spaces, has significantly contributed to the blockage of drainage systems.
Princess Bada explained that as a result of the improper waste disposal practices, our community has witnessed an alarming surge in flooding, especially during rainy seasons. The waterlogging brought about by clogged drains not only disrupts the daily lives of residents but also poses severe threats to public safety, leading to property damage and health
Furthermore, the Mayoress strongly condemns the unauthorized erection of structures within waterways and flood-prone areas. These illegal activities exacerbate the flooding situation, preventing the smooth flow of water and increasing the risks of inundation and subsequent damages.
The consequences of these actions are grave and far-reaching. They include but are not limited to:
– Loss of lives due to flooding incidents
– Destruction of property and infrastructure
– Environmental degradation and contamination
– Disruption of public services, transportation, and commerce
– Financial burdens on the local government and taxpayers for emergency response and recovery efforts.
The Council Boss calls upon all residents, community leaders, and stakeholders to take proactive measures to address these challenges.