In a statement issued today, the Lagos State Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education acknowledged that some parents had expressed concern over the upcoming hike in boarding costs at the state-run model colleges. This, needless to say, has not been a simple choice.
In the release, the Ministry reassures all parents that their children’s welfare always comes first. Noting that, with the exception of Vetland Junior and Senior Secondary Schools, the Lagos State Government still offers free education in 1,021 Primary schools, 369 Junior Secondary schools, and 329 Senior Secondary schools. These schools also include the 32 model colleges spread throughout the State, which are boarding schools.
The statement further clarified that parents choose to enroll their children in boarding schools on their own, and as such, they are required to pay boarding costs at the start of each academic session.
It was mentioned that the boarding costs are mostly utilized for food, cleaning, and other expenses associated with keeping students in the hostels for the duration of the semester. With the money from these fees, the schools also cover the energy costs of cooking gas and fuel, which are necessary for preparing meals for the boarding students.
According to the statement, “the concern of ensuring better welfare for our model college students, who are about one per cent of the entire basic and secondary school student population in public schools in the State, necessitated the increase in boarding fees.
The model college students enjoy all other privileges of free education vis a vis provision of education infrastructure, free tuition, technology support (free devices) provision of adequate security in schools and payment of terminal examination fees (LASG pays WAEC fees for all public school students).
The #35,000 boarding fees being paid since 2021 are not realistic in 2024. Ideally, none of our parents will testify to the reasonability of feeding a child of 12 to 18 years with 35,000 for three months. Noting that a comparative analysis of Federal and State public schools with boarding facilities across the country shows that the Lagos State Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education is still very considerate of the reviewed rate despite the incomparable cost of food and other expenses.
Nutritious food is not just for physical growth but also mental alertness. The Ministry certainly don’t want our students in boarding schools to look gaunt and lack the skill of critical thinking.
The government takes responsibility for the health and well-being of the students while in school. To do this will require the full cooperation of all stakeholders. Our parents should show understanding for the sake of the children.”