By: Ajape Sefiu A
…As Dr. Yashir Qadhi, Sheikh Ammar Al-Shukry, Others Deliver Inspiring Lectures On Addressing Modern Challenges Through Faith, Resilience
A prominent Islamic organization, 1Ummah, hosted its highly anticipated 2024 Peace and Unity Convention (PUC) at the Eko Convention Centre in Victoria Island, Lagos.
This year’s event, which is the 11th edition took place on Saturday, 16th of November, 2024, with the theme, “Resilience and Recovery: The Role of Faith and Reliance in Navigating Crisis.”
Encouraging Muslims at the event, the world-renowned Islamic scholar, Mufti Ismail Menk, while speaking on the topic “Embracing Allah, the Ultimate Provider: Navigating Life’s Challenges with Divine Assurance“ highlighted how despondent humans can be to Allah during difficult times.
Mufti Menk emphasizes the importance of faith and trust in Allah during life’s challenges.
During his speech at PUC 2024, his reminder that “Allah will test every one of us” reflects a central theme in Islamic teachings: trials and tribulations are a part of life and serve as opportunities for growth and spiritual elevation.
“Allah clearly says that we will definitely test you. Without a doubt, we will test you. That’s a promise from whom? From your Lord. Who is He addressing? All of us. So Allah will test every one of us.
“He says, I will test you with some fear. What is fear? You all have to have some anxiety. Sometimes the concern, the worry.
“It’s a test of your faith. You’re closest to Allah. Allah wants you to respond in a certain way. But that test, He always planned it for you. Allah says, we will test you with some of fear. Fear includes all the different aspects of it. Anxiety has an element of fear in it.
“You are a human. There is a possibility that you will have intrusive thoughts. It’s up to you to fight those intrusive thoughts and to push them away. And to keep telling yourself, I’m a human. These intrusive thoughts are wrong.
“When something comes crashing and it was yours, you definitely, as a human, would have some sadness, some negative feeling to say the least. And it could go beyond that.
“Nothing that moves on earth except that Allah has taken it upon himself to provide for it. So Allah will take care of you. Believe in Allah. I always say if Allah takes care of the ants that you do not see, do you think he has missed you and I?
While speaking on committing sins and repentance as human, he said, “Repentance is an act of worship so loved by Allah. Had it not been for the sin, you would not be able to engage in repentance.
He, however, added, “That does not mean I’m encouraging you to sin, but all I’m doing is to tell you, you are a human. If you have fallen, it’s not the end. In fact, you can convert it into an act of worship that you would not have been able to engage in had it not been for your mistake.
”So if you’ve made a mistake or you’ve committed a sin, don’t lose hope in the mercy of Allah. You are a human. You made an error. Quickly turn to Allah.
Also speaking on devaluation of the Nigerian currency, Mufti Menk said, “I’m a Zimbabwean. I still envy you. Because it is nowhere near what happened to our currency some time back. It is not a joke. It has resulted in many people swimming in waters that are very, very tough to navigate. People who had large savings found those savings suddenly being diminished.
Speaking on the ongoing genocide in Gaza, the scholar said, “Unbearable, little kids being targeted, not one, thousands of them, intentionally blown to pieces and ripped, yet the child can’t even walk.
”I promise you, the media and the way things have been covered, and the way things have been distorted and changed in this day and age, there are so many documented videos of the reality. They’re not ready to change. May Allah Almighty forgive our inability to help. And may Allah assist them and grant them victory.
Earlier in his welcome address, the Amir of 1Ummah, Ustaz Abubakar Sadiq Muhammad, highlighted the major focus of the 2024 convention, which is the imperative task of “Changing the Narrative: The Role of the Ummah in a Rapidly Changing World”.
He said, “As our global landscape undergoes unprecedented transformations, the Muslim community, bears a crucial responsibility in shaping its narrative.
“The convention aims to explore how the Ummah can proactively engage with the evolving world, contributing positively to economic, and technological advancements.
Speaking further, the Amir said, “Crucial to this year’s theme is also a focus on the apartheid being witnessed in Palestine, which we collectively condemn and stand against, as an unwavering commitment to justice, equality, and human dignity.
On his part, prominent global scholar, Dr. Yasir Qadhi, urged Muslims to put their trust in Allah regarding the ordeals of the Palestinians.
He said no regional power or creature can be relied upon to ultimately achieve victory in the ongoing genocide in Gaza and other parts of Palestine except with Allah’s aid and the unity of the Ummah.
Dr. Yasir Qadhi made the assertion while delivering lecture on the topic “stories of relevance of the Sirah”.
The US-based scholar, who was a first time attendee at the convention described the development in Palestine as one of the saddest tragedies that is currently happening to humanity.
“Wherever there is humanity, there’s inhumanity. Life is a test, and every up and down is a test.
“What is happening to us right now is a test, and what is happening to our brothers and sisters in Gaza is a test.
“How we respond will dictate whether we will pass or fail. And those who are given a bigger test, like our brothers and sister in Gaza, when they pass, their rewards will be higher.
“And that’s why we as Muslims should know that sometimes, Allah makes life difficult for those who He loves, not because he hate them but because he loves them.
“When Allah loves somebody, he test them. And the more he loves them, the more he test them.
Organised since 2015, the annual gathering is highly regarded for promoting coexistence, family values, and Islamic knowledge in a global context.
While delivering the third lecture of the day, Sheikh Ammar Al-Shukry, discussed on the topic; “From helplessness to Strength: Maintaining Muslim Identity and Inclusivity in a Fragmented Global Community.
Al-Shukry spoke extensively on how important language is in our society, adding that language is our identity in which we use to connect with others.
“The reason why we’re able to connect, the reason why I’m invited here, is because I have a shared identity with you.
“That being said, your third pillar of identity is language. And language is so important because it does a number of things. It allows us to connect with one another, but also it allows for you to connect with your history.
“Let’s be honest, as Africans, much of our history is oral. And because it is oral, you need to have access to the spoken language of your history to be able to access it.
During his lecture, “Adopting Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life, Benefits and Ethical Considerations”, one of the speakers, Ridwan Badmus highlighted the key roles AI plays, but also mentioned how it have diverse effects on humanity and cause intrusion of others’ privacy and so on.
The encompassing event offered sessions tailored for all age groups, including workshops for teens and pre-teens, and also made provisions for crèche.
Another notable attendee at the event was the former governor of Osun state and former minister of interior, Ogbeni Rauf Adesoji Aregbesola.
Speaking to Hotjist, the moderator of the teens workshop, Ameenah Yusuf Ali, emphasised on how important the session is for the teenagers at this stage of their lives.
Ameenah said, “It’s been personally transformative. It’s an opportunity for you to sit, reflect and decide how you want to approach your Lord, going forward.
“And I always like the fact that PUC comes toward the end of the year when people are beginning to plan for the following year. This year’s theme particularly means a lot, resilience and looking to trust Allah better.
“This topic for teenagers comes at a very crucial time in their lives where they are now recognizing that mummy and daddy cannot fix everything. So, they need to find their own personal connections with Allah SWT. And they need to begin to rely totally in Allah.
“Failure is one the things that makes adolescents question who they are. It is also the period adolescents begins to look for friends outside of the home, thinking that’ll make it easy.”
One of the teenagers, Umar, said, “I enjoyed the place and the Sheikh that came, they’re very good.
Also, Abdulrameez, when asked about the teens session, said, “I can say that the event has been very educational. The arrangement was nice and the new friends we made were plentiful. I learnt that no matter what, with patience, Allah will give you more than what you originally wanted. I’m happy I came to 1Ummah.”
Another teenager, Tanzila added, “What I can say about this convention is that it is very educative and fun. This is my first time, and I can say I learnt about how to use my time for something resourceful and not wasting time on unnecessary things. It is really educative and I’ll love to be here next time.”
Nakeebat while sharing her own experience, noted that “It has been very fun and educative, it has taught me about managing time, resilience, patience etc, and I look forward to coming again next year.”
Nyma Akashat-Zibiri, a Nigerian lawyer and television host spoke to Hotjist, “I’m moderating the panel session between Dr. Yashir and Shukry.
The co-host on TVC’s daytime show ‘Your View’, added that “This panel is focusing more on the recent trials we have now in the world as Ummah. Gaza is being bombarded daily, and it’s a test of Muslim, it’s testing our faiths because we’re seeing our brothers falling.
“The challenges of what you see on social media, how it is affecting your mental health and how to do a balance at the end of the day,” she said.
Yusuf Oluwasegun, one of the volunteers for this year’s edition said, “So far, the event has been very amazing, we’re able to troop out even amid the economic hardship in the country.
”And I’m very sure, everyone who participated in this year’s convention will get something to take back home in terms of valuable lectures and learning new things about Islam and humanity.
It’s a full packaged event, there’s section for mental wellness evaluation and also vendor incase you want to get something for yourself.”
Another volunteer, Halimat, added, “We’re here for the 1ummah peace and unity convention. Aside Nigeria, other countries have been experiencing economic issues, I think that’s one of the reason behind that particular theme for this year’s event.
The panel first session discussed on “Understanding and Responding to Global Injustice: Maintaining Muslim Identity and Inclusivity in a Fragmented Global Community”.
Rasheedah Opere moderated the second panel session, which focused on “From economic strain to practical solutions: understanding Ar-Razzaq in troubling times.
1Ummah is an Islamic group that promotes unity and resilience within and beyond the Muslim community through educational programs, community outreach, and conventions.