Yomi Fabiyi has refuted the sexual harassment allegation

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Yomi Fabiyi has however refuted the allegation. He wrote:

Please anyone who know or has or had direct dealings with this woman and how she can be reached physically should DM me or whatsapp me ONLY via 08029062692, better still pass the info to Barrister Badru M B via – 08134821247.
It is not in my habit to warn or be on the wrong side of the media as I believe we are in here for one another with high respect but please if you are not part of the this “pull him down by all means syndrome” campaign going on, I advise you avoid letting this cheap “BLACKMAIL” seat on your portal.
To my friends, fans and close allies that know me so well, one thing is crystal clear, I will not walk anybody out of my car in a manner that terrible lies has pointed. So many lies and discrepancies in the story. I do not know who is behind this but I am sure they are not someone with better lives and they shall meet their waterloo very shortly. I will see this to a logical end and ensure criminals like this are not allowed to spoil the cyber space or hoodwinked people into falling in line with their jaundice or criminality. In the interim, let us relax and see how things pans out.

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