While some are good at hiding their uninterested faces from the world, others cannot help but simply fall asleep, subsequently making their boredom - and...
It’s better to be single, study finds
Single individuals are more likely to frequently stay in touch with, provide help to, and receive help from parents, siblings, neighbours and friends than the married....
4 Important Things You Must Know Before You Marry an Igbo Lady
4 Important Things that Must be Considered Before You Marry an Igbo Girl For those of you that have actually fallen in love with an...
4 Lessons Your Organization Can Take From Atlanta’s Ransomware Attack
In late March the computer system of the City of Atlanta was victimized by a ransomware attack and, 10 days later and counting, the city’s...
Marijuana legalization could help offset opioid epidemic, studies find
(CNN)Experts have proposed using medical marijuana to help Americans struggling with opioid addiction. Now, two studies suggest that there is merit to that strategy. The...
The Most Collectible Modern Rolex Returns in Millennial Pink
#MTNshortz3SixtyWorld #mtnshortz3sixtyworldtv #mtnshortz3sixtyworld The bejeweled choice of rockstars and Hollywood elites, as well as the most prominent collectors in the world, now in rose gold....
A $300,000 Watch for Your $3.26 Million Sports Car
A spectacular piece unique for a one-of-a-kind hypercar. Parmigiani Fleuerier has a long-standing relationship with Bugatti. The Parmigiani Type 370 was the first watch to...
VPNs: What They Do, How They Work, and Why You’re Dumb for Not Using One
For as ubiquitous as connectivity has become and how reliant we've grown on it, the Internet is still a digital jungle where hackers easily steal...
Meet Eve Jobs, Steve Jobs’ 19-year-old daughter
Apple co-founder Steve Jobs is legendary for helping start the personal computer revolution and for building a business worth billions. Now, there's a new generation...
4 Powerful Ways to Deal with Toxic In-laws
Most people have trouble getting along with their in-laws. As you are reading this, maybe your marriage has suddenly become a war zone because of...