Why Most Slay Queens Never Get Married

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It has become imperative to discuss this class of girls with the aim of arriving at why most of them tarry when it comes to finding a life partner. Now, it is an open secret that men tend to end up with average girls even after dating so many of these slay queens. The reason for this is what we are going to be looking at in this article.
1. Social media: Social Media has done more to damage interpersonal relationships in my opinion. More so that people have higher standards than they should. Take for example a lady with 5000 Instagram followers, she posts a pic. It gets 3000 likes, 1000 comments all calling her ‘’hot’’. She knows 1000 men call her hot daily. Her self-esteem goes up astronomically. What she doesn’t know is that these 1000 guys are scattered all over the world, not in her local area. She, in turn, follows 100 hot guys. She sees them daily on her feed, comments on their pic, they like the comment. Her standards keep going up. Note that none of these 100 hot guys she follows lives within a 50-mile radius of her. She goes to a public function, because of the already acquired high self-standards she waits for the very cute guy type that call her ‘HOT ‘always on social media ignoring the very normal guy who is close to her trying to strike a conversation. She forgets that a bird at hand is a ‘’BIRD’’ and goes searching for the one in the bush!

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2. Security: No man wants to marry a girl too beautiful for the public eye, for security reasons, some men settle for average beautiful ones as against the over beautiful ones because of a headache that emanates from managing the later. A popular saying has it that’’ a man who married a too beautiful wife and a farmer who planted maize on the roadside are having the same problem! The problem of security!!
3. Character: Hotness is not enough! It has been discovered that slay queens end up not finding their soulmates because there are more important things than the physical beauty: Things like kindness, generosity, empathy, support, common goals, same values, etc. are what create the real beauty of a person. That’s why most people will tell you ‘‘My wife is the most beautiful woman in the world’’ This is not because it was validated by a magazine or one Instagram picture with a million likes, it’s because through life experiences with that person we discover what it really worth. Choosing someone because of her looks is like trying to look at the world through a keyhole. There is more to it that meets the eye
4. ‘Entitlement Syndrome: So many slay queens around today have this ‘’entitlement mentality’ They believe they have the looks and the necessary sophistication to get all they want. They go into a relationship bringing nothing to the table apart from their looks, and maybe their body! Nothing else! They believe they deserve it all, and only need to do nothing to have it all. The only job they have ever engaged in their lifetime is DATING. Their CV is full of men whom they have dated in the past.

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In a nutshell, they are serial daters. They can date 20 at a time, after all, the winner takes it all! Now what they don’t understand is that men love winning trophies, they like conquering and breaking boundaries, most of them will go to any length from emptying their accounts, to selling their valuables just to get the Slay queen. But after the race, the umpire will settle down to calculate the distance covered, then reality checks in, and it’s time for the young man to settle down, he goes for the average girls, the so-called average girls have the beauty, the proverbial skin-deep beauty. She shakes the man into reality. She tends to look at the future. She has the brains. She is the one that walks down the aisle.
The ‘slay queens’ are single and desperate in their 30s. Running from pillar to post, from one church crusade to another, from one singles meeting to another! While “the average” is happily married. This is not to say that there are no women with both the looks and the brains.
There are plenty of them. So many girls in my country slay in all ramifications! They have good grades, jobs, and settled down early or late. However, the former category beats the latter hands down in numbers.
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