Read Time:2 Minute, 41 Second

Joseph Omoniyi

Stepping out today, you probably must have bumped into some people walking around with a cross pattern drawn with ashes on their foreheads and wondered ‘what’s going on?’. Nothing weird, today is ‘Ash Wednesday’, a day set and aside and practised by some sects of the Christian Faith, most especially, Catholics and some other orthodox churches, to usher in the 40-Day-Lenten Season. But exactly is the significant of this day and how it is practised?

The ashes symbolises two things, death and repentance, “from dust you came, from dust you shall return” Genesis 3;19b. The ashes are usually prepared by burning palm branches from the previous Palm Sunday. On Palm Sunday, churches bless and hand out palm branches to attendees, a reference to the Gospels’ account of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, when onlookers lay palm branches on his path. During Mass for Catholics, the priest or pastor will usually share a sermon that is penitential and reflective in nature. The mood is solemn, many services will have long periods of silence and worshipers will often leave the service in silence.

Usually, there is a responsive passage of Scripture, usually centered around confession, read aloud about the leader and congregation. Attendees will experience communal confession, as well as moments where they are prompted to silently confess sins and pray.

After all of this, the congregation will be invited to receive the ashes on their foreheads. Usually, as the priest or pastor will dip his finger into the ashes, spread them in a cross pattern on the forehead, and say, “From dust you came and from dust you will return.”

According to The Catholic Spirit, “When we come forward to receive ashes on Ash Wednesday, we are saying that we are sorry for our sins, and that we want to use the season of Lent to correct our faults, purify our hearts, control our desires and grow in holiness so we will be prepared to celebrate Easter with great joy”.

This day is also used to focus on man’s mortality and sinfulness which is ecpected to in turn make him see the significance of the immortality of the Almighty God and repentance.

The name tag itselft has no mention in the Bible,the …. Like, fasting, prayer, soberness, generosity over a period of time are however evident on different pages of The Scriptures. Also the practise is not widely accepted as a doctrine among different sects of Christians, but majorly observed by catholics, orthodox and some parts of protestants all over the world.

Important Dates of Lent Brief Overview of Significance 2019 Date
Ash Wednesday The beginning of Lent, a day of reflection and repentance from sin March 6, 2019
Palm Sunday Celebrates Jesus’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem April 14, 2019
Holy Week The week leading up to Easter April 14- April 20, 2019
Maundy Thursday Commemorates the foot washing and Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles April 18, 2019
Good Friday Commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary April 19, 2019
Easter Sunday Celebrates the resurrection of Jesus from the dead and his victory over sin and death. April 21, 2019


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